Ducks Waddling Home
9x12 Oil on Stretched Canvas
Cheri Wollenberg
This painting was quite fun for me to do. When we go to our farm in Oklahoma I am so inspired to do animals. There are horses, steers (cows) and so many different types of fowl going south this time of the year not to mention the dogs and barn cats, possums, armadillos and the cats of "white and black" that are not so welcome! The ponds are a retreating place for geese and ducks on their journey south.
I had one of those artists' moments while we there this last that all of you artists friends can relate to.... One morning as I was drinking coffee on our back porch, a huge group of egrets were surrounding the cows in the pasture at the bottom of a hill behind our house. Something startled them and they began flying and they all flew toward our house into the trees in our back yard. As they were flying in to land on the branches their legs straight behind their bodies, necks forged ahead, and their large wings spanning out like airplanes, they were so interesting and exciting guessed it.........I was without my camera! It was one of those moments that all us think to ourselves that we need our cameras to record such a wonderful moment, to capture a shape or position, to catch an exhilarating feeling of awe! They were gone almost as fast as they flew into my presence and all I have is one vision that sticks in my mind, but one that will inspire me to do some research on those magnificent birds that companion the cattle this time of the year.
Maybe I will paint them someday....but in the meantime I will paint the duck pictures I have (laugh). I think I may be chattering! I haven't posted in a while and for any readers that have actually made it to the end of my you know why my father's family called me "chatterbox".
This painting is available to buy by following this link: