Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Cheri Wollenberg
Charlotte is a long haired sheep. She is a bottle baby that was given to our grandchildren. Those of you who have raised a bottle calf, lamb or any animal for that matter knows how attached you become to the infant animal that is dependent on your care. Our grandchildren are in the process of practicing showmanship with their lambs and pigs for the spring stockshows. Their little enterprise has grown from three show lambs to include three pigs, one bottle lamb (Charlotte) and two little goats. Each afternoon they go down to the stalls to work or exercise them. Before they get down to their serious business of working with the lambs, they let Charlotte out and they run and play with her. It is such a sight to hear them giggle and run and see that little crazy lamb run after them like a little puppy!!!! My next several paintings will be of some of their animals. I have been inspired both creatively and with love far beyond any descriptive words (smiles). You can find Charlotte in my Etsy