8x10 Oil on Canvas
Cheri Wollenberg
Our garden has produced a huge amount of tomatoes this year. It is so much fun to pick them, give them to neighbors and family,eat them and finally....for me to paint them. We have had so many that I have started experimenting with different ways of preparing them in foods. I had never actually cooked fried green tomatoes so I started asking family and friends how to prepare them. Oh my goodness! They are wonderful! We are still picking them, freezing them, and giving them away as well, but I wanted to share some of my new tomato paintings. This one was so exciting to paint. I placed them on the window sill in my utility room. The light is dancing all around them making such wonderful color. They were delightful to paint. This painting is listed in my Etsy shop. You can check it out by clicking tomatoes.